Torriano Poetry Sunday 2 June

7.30pm. £6/£5 according to pocket. Poets from the floor welcome.
Guest readers Katy Mack, Martha Kapos, Mike Bartholomew Biggs

Katy Mack’s poems have appeared widely in publications including The Poetry Review, Ambit, Poem International, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, and Perverse. She has also been commended in The Troubadour International Poetry Prize. She completed her creative writing PhD in poetry at UEA in 2022 and is currently a Research Impact Fellow at The University of Sussex. Her first pamphlet ‘First, I Turn Off the Light’is out with Broken Sleep Books in May 2024. 

Martha Kapos was born in the US and came to London as an art student in the 1960’s. Her professional life has brought together both writing and the visual arts – she taught at the Chelsea College of Art in London until 2001 when she joined the editorial team at Poetry London. Her first collection of poems ‘My Nights in Cupid’s Palace’ (2003) was a Jerwood/Aldeburgh Prize winner and both this and her two subsequent collections from Enitharmon, ‘Supreme Being’ (2008) and ‘The Likeness’ (2014) were Poetry Book Society recommendations. The 2019 summer issue of Poetry London was her final issue as Poetry Co-Editor before her retirement. Her new collection of selected and new poems is ‘Music, Awake Her’ out from Two Rivers Press in May 2024.

Michael Bartholomew-Biggs is a retired mathematician and current poetry editor of the online magazine London Grip.  With Nancy Mattson he has, for over twenty years, hosted poetry events both in and above the crypt of St Mary’s church in Islington where he is part of the preaching and pastoral team..  He has published four chapbooks and six collections the most recent of which are  ‘Poems in the Case’(Shoestring Press 2018which sets poetry in the framework of a murder mystery, and ‘Identified Flying Objects’ (Shoestring,  2024) which hangs contemporary poems on a string of quotations from the Biblical book of Ezekiel.

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